Cultivating Danger is a thrilling documentary that takes a real-life dramatic approach to explore the cannabis industry in St Vincent and the Grenadines. The film tells the stories of farmers, growers, and entrepreneurs involved in the industry and the policymakers and law enforcement officials trying to navigate the complex legal and ethical issues surrounding cannabis. The documentary features interviews, reenactments, and archival footage to tell a gripping and suspenseful story that captures the audience's attention and keeps them engaged throughout the film

In Vincy Weed, we have endeavored to peel back the layers of time and culture, revealing the heart and soul of St. Vincent's cannabis industry like never before. Our documentary captures Vincentian people united by their reverence for the sacred plant that has sustained them for generations.

Through this project, we seek to bridge borders, spark conversations, and cultivate a greater understanding of the positive impact that responsible cannabis culture can have on communities. As we unveil the trailer, we invite you to embark on this transformative voyage with us and witness the untold stories that await.